Grade 9 Academic English

ISP Booklist


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Title                                                         Call #

-----                                                         ------

The closest I've come /                                       F ACE

Call me by your name /                                        F ACI

Waypoint /                                                    F ADA

Flawed /                                                      F AHE

Internment /                                                  F AHM

Love, hate and other filters /                                F AHM

The space between /                                           F AKE

Delusion road /                                               F AKE

For one more day /                                            F ALB

Leah on the offbeat /                                         F ALB

Simon and the homo sapiens agenda /                           F ALB

Saints and misfits /                                          F ALI

Zorro : a novel /                                             F ALL

The tightrope walkers /                                       F ALM

The wicker king /                                             F ANC

City of saints and thieves /                                  F AND

Speak /                                                       F AND

The impossible knife of memory /                              F AND

Out of reach /                                                F ARC

Kids of appetite /                                            F ARN

Mosquitoland /                                                F ARN

Avalon /                                                      F ARN

The strange fascinations of Noah Hypnotik /                   F ARN

What girls are made of /                                      F ARN

Thirteen reasons why /                                        F ASH

Red queen /                                                   F AVE

Ship breaker /                                                F BAC

The windup girl /                                             F BAC

The witches of Willowmere /                                   F BAI

Hide with me /                                                F BAN

Dove arising /                                                F BAO

The naturals /                                                F BAR

Shadow and bone /                                             F BAR

Six of crows /                                                F BAR

Tales of the madman underground /                             F BAR

Wonder woman:  warbringer /                                   F BAR

Cut off /                                                     F BAS

Words and their meanings /                                    F BAS

Rules of the road /                                           F BAU

Far from the tree /                                           F BEN

The last leaves falling /                                     F BEN

The thing about jellyfish /                                   F BEN

All the truth that's in me /                                  F BER

The passion of Dolssa /                                       F BER

A girl like that /                                            F BHA

The beauty of the moment /                                    F BHA

Chime /                                                       F BIL

Antigoddess /                                                 F BLA

The cruel prince /                                            F BLA

Someone I used to know /                                      F BLO

The witch hunter /                                            F BOE

Crossing Ebenezer Creek /                                     F BOL

Game changer /                                                F BOW

Icarus down /                                                 F BOW

Starfish /                                                    F BOW

Passenger /                                                   F BRA

The sisterhood of the traveling pants /                       F BRA

The white bicycle /                                           F BRE

Swimmers /                                                    F BRI

The bunker diary /                                            F BRO

Red rising /                                                  F BRO

Torn away /                                                   F BRO

Weird girl and what's his name /                              F BRO

Upstate /                                                     F BUC

The vast fields of ordinary /                                 F BUR

Mostly happy /                                                F BUS

Honor among thieves /                                         F CAI

Ink and bone /                                                F CAI

A heart in a body in the world /                              F CAL

The tyrant's daughter /                                       F CAR

Ender's game /                                                F CAR

Ender's shadow /                                              F CAR

I stop somewhere /                                            F CAR

Pathfinder /                                                  F CAR

Roar /                                                        F CAR

Walk on earth a stranger /                                    F CAR

Teach me to forget /                                          F CHA

The perks of being a wallflower /                             F CHB

New boy /                                                     F CHE

The last runaway /                                            F CHE

Flamecaster /                                                 F CHI

Shoulder the sky /                                            F CHO

The bone witch /                                              F CHU

The last Namsara /                                            F CIC

House on mango street /                                       F CIS

The belles /                                                  F CLA

Ready player one /                                            F CLI

A shadow bright and burning /                                 F CLU

Little and lion /                                             F COL

The reluctant assassin /                                      F COL

The revolution of Birdie Randolph /                           F COL

Stranger than fanfiction /                                    F COL

Tyler Johnson was here /                                      F COL

Breakfast served anytime /                                    F COM

Matched /                                                     F CON

The German girl /                                             F COR

All our broken pieces /                                       F CRI

After the snow /                                              F CRO

Audacity /                                                    F CRO

Beautiful music for ugly children /                           F CRO

The naming /                                                  F CRO

The leading edge of now /                                     F CUR

The miseducation of Cameron Post /                            F DAN

Forest of a thousand lanterns /                               F DAO

The maze runner /                                             F DAS

The clearing /                                                F DAV

The blue girl /                                               F DEL

Love letters to the dead /                                    F DEL

I'll meet you there /                                         F DEM

Wither /                                                      F DES

The Boston girl /                                             F DIA

The language of flowers /                                     F DIF

The marrow thieves /                                          F DIM

Little brother /                                              F DOC

Annexed /                                                     F DOG

Where the stars still shine /                                 F DOL

Revolution /                                                  F DON

Riding in cars with boys : confessions of a bad girl who      F DON

These shallow graves /                                        F DON

Unbecoming /                                                  F DOW

Copper sun /                                                  F DRA

The golden day /                                              F DUB

Ella minnow pea /                                             F DUN

Rebels by accident /                                          F DUN

No safe place /                                               F ELL

Dear Evan Hansen /                                            F EMM

The universe versus Alex Woods /                              F EXT

The ear, the eye, and the arm : a novel /                     F FAR

The great American whatever /                                 F FED

Of metal and wishes /                                         F FIN

Jumped in /                                                   F FLO

Willful machines /                                            F FLO

Vango /                                                       F FOM

The black witch /                                             F FOR

The gender game /                                             F FOR

Suicide notes /                                               F FOR

Dime /                                                        F FRA

This is how it always is /                                    F FRA

Nobody's princess /                                           F FRI

For today I am a boy /                                        F FU

Truancy /                                                     F FUK

Reckless /                                                    F FUN

Neverwhere : a novel /                                        F GAI

Caraval /                                                     F GAR

Annie on my mind /                                            F GAR

The door that led to where /                                  F GAR

Phantom limbs /                                               F GAR

You're welcome, universe /                                    F GAR

Girls like us /                                               F GIL

Picture us in the light /                                     F GIL

Now is everything /                                           F GIL

Girl mans up /                                                F GIR

Girl in pieces /                                              F GLA

How to make friends with the dark /                           F GLA

Before wings : a novel /                                      F GOO

Kindness for weakness /                                       F GOO

The other side of the island /                                F GOO

Under rose-tainted skies /                                    F GOR

Children of Eden /                                            F GRA

Code of honor /                                               F GRA

Defy the stars /                                              F GRA

Invictus /                                                    F GRA

Wolf by wolf /                                                F GRA

An abundance of Katherines /                                  F GRE

The fault in our stars /                                      F GRE

Half bad /                                                    F GRE

None of the above /                                           F GRE

Turtles all the way down /                                    F GRE

The unfinished life of Addison Stone /                        F GRI

The game of hope /                                            F GUL

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time /           F HAD

Geography Club /                                              F HAR

The lie tree /                                                F HAR

Death benefits /                                              F HAR

What we saw /                                                 F HAR

Eden West /                                                   F HAU

Theories of relativity /                                      F HAW

When we wake /                                                F HEA

Devils within /                                               F HEN

A million Junes /                                             F HEN

Girl, stolen /                                                F HEN

We contain multitudes /                                       F HEN

If you were me /                                              F HEP

I'm with stupid /                                             F HER

The war outside /                                             F HES

The illegal /                                                 F HIL

The smell of other people's houses /                          F HIT

Everless /                                                    F HOL

The devil's intern /                                          F HOS

Reawakened /                                                  F HOU

Sister wife /                                                 F HRD

At the edge of the universe /                                 F HUT

We are the ants /                                             F HUT

Soldier boy /                                                 F HUT

Creeps /                                                      F HYN

Dread nation /                                                F IRE

Allegedly /                                                   F JAC

Monday is not coming /                                        F JAC

The henna wars /                                              F JAI

Ayesha at last /                                              F JAL

The loneliest girl in the universe /                          F JAM

All unquiet things /                                          F JAR

A thousand nights /                                           F JOH

Exit, pursued by a bear /                                     F JOH

Another kind of cowboy /                                      F JUB

The truth commission /                                        F JUB

Talon /                                                       F KAG

The love and lies of rukhsana ali /                           F KHA

The good sister /                                             F KAI

All rights reserved /                                         F KAT

Life in outer space /                                         F KEI

City of savages /                                             F KEL

Learning to swear in America /                                F KEN

Going over /                                                  F KEP

Flowers for Algernon /                                        F KEY

Darius the great is not okay /                                F KHO

Origin /                                                      F KHO

The invention of wings /                                      F KID

The secret life of bees /                                     F KID

The body /                                                    F KIN

Insignia /                                                    F KIN

Everybody sees the ants /                                     F KIN

Gloria O'Brien's history of the future                        F KIN

Please ignore Vera Dietz /                                    F KIN

Still life with tornado /                                     F KIN

Dear Rachel Maddow /                                          F KIS

Things we know by heart /                                     F KIR

The first time she drowned /                                  F KLE

Orphan train /                                                F KLI

The art of secrets /                                          F KLI

The leavers /                                                 F KO

Openly straight /                                             F KON

The porcupine of truth /                                      F KON

The music of what happens /                                   F KON

Complicit /                                                   F KUE

Charm and strange /                                           F KUE

Salt and storm /                                              F KUL

The tragedy paper /                                           F LAB

We are okay /                                                 F LAC

The art of getting stared at /                                F LAN

The gatekeepers /                                             F LAN

Rebel bully geek pariah /                                     F LAN

Dreamland burning /                                           F LAT

Autoboyography /                                              F LAU

Mystic city /                                                 F LAW

Calvin /                                                      F LEA

Outrun the moon /                                             F LEE

To kill a mockingbird /                                       F LEE

Under a painted sky /                                         F LEE

Furyborn /                                                    F LEG

Gifts                                                         F LEG

Winterspell /                                                 F LEG

Daughter of the pirate king /                                 F LEV

The realm of possibility /                                    F LEV

Catherine /                                                   F LIN

Jane /                                                        F LIN

Not if I see you first /                                      F LIN

Want to go private /                                          F LIT

The flight of Gemma Hardy /                                   F LIV

The disreputable history of Frankie Landau-Banks /            F LOC

We were liars /                                               F LOC

Proxy /                                                       F LON

Legend /                                                      F LU

Warcross /                                                    F LU

Bang /                                                        F LYG

A court of thorns and roses /                                 F MAA

Infinite in between /                                         F MAC

Nobody's secret /                                             F MAC

Tease /                                                       F MAC

A very large expanse of sea /                                 F MAF

Egg and spoon /                                               F MAG

How it went down /                                            F MAG

Hold fast /                                                   F MAJ

Far from shore /                                              F MAJ

Secrets in the fire /                                         F MAN

A knight of the seven kingdoms /                              F MAR

Nemesis /                                                     F MAR

The art of losing /                                           F MAS

How to hang a witch /                                         F MAT

Moxie /                                                       F MAT

Nil /                                                         F MAT

The last magician /                                           F MAX

Firebug /                                                     F MCB

Purple heart /                                                F MCC

All rivers flow to the sea /                                  F MCG

The female of the species /                                   F MCG

Not a drop to drink /                                         F MCG

A madness so discreet /                                       F MCG

The free /                                                    F MCL

The weight of feathers /                                      F MCL

When the moon was ours /                                      F MCL

Far far away /                                                F MCN

Everything that makes you /                                   F MCS

This body /                                                   F MCW

Burn baby burn /                                              F MED

Ripple /                                                      F MEL

Cinder /                                                      F MEY

Heartless /                                                   F MEY

The song of Achilles /                                        F MIL

After river /                                                 F MIL

Altered carbon /                                              F MOR

The night circus /                                            F MOR

The tattooist of Auschwitz /                                  F MOR

Slay /                                                        F MOR

Dumplin' /                                                    F MUR

The disappearances /                                          F MUR

Ramona blue /                                                 F MUR

If you find me /                                              F MUR

Shine /                                                       F MYR

Like a love story /                                           F NAZ

Breathe my name /                                             F NEL

I'll give you the sun /                                       F NEL

Release /                                                     F NES

A monster calls /                                             F NES

The rest of us just live here /                               F NES

The floating islands /                                        F NEU

Everything I never told you /                                 F NG

Girls of paper and fire /                                     F NGA

Optimists die first /                                         F NIE

Holding up the universe /                                     F NIV

Crazy /                                                       F NOL

Neanderthal opens the door to the universe /                  F NOR

Uprooted /                                                    F NOV

Birthmarked /                                                 F OBI

Akata witch /                                                 F OKO

Shadowshaper /                                                F OLD

Vanishing girls /                                             F OLI

Asking for it /                                               F ONE

Every hidden thing /                                          F OPP

Such wicked intent /                                          F OPP

Half brother /                                                F OPP

Cry of the giraffe /                                          F ORO

Radio silence /                                               F OSE

Anger is a gift /                                             F OSH

Dawn of the dragons /                                         F OWE

The astonishing colour of after /                             F PAN

Damage done /                                                 F PAN

Eragon /                                                      F PAO

Framed in fire. --                                            F PAT

Exposure /                                                    F PEE

You bring the distant near /                                  F PER

Forward me to you /                                           F PER

The stars and the blackness between them /                    F PET

My sister's keeper : a novel /                                F PIC

Small great things /                                          F PIC

The death house /                                             F PIN

Ketchup clouds /                                              F PIT

My sister lives on the mantlepiece /                          F PIT

The mystery of hollow places /                                F POD

Erebos /                                                      F POZ

Trouble /                                                     F PRA

Boy 21 /                                                      F QUI

Gabi a girl in pieces /                                       F QUI

Snow like ashes /                                             F RAA

Held /                                                        F RAV

The nowhere girls /                                           F REE

Railhead /                                                    F REE

Nyxia /                                                       F REI

A world without you /                                         F REV

All American boys /                                           F REY

The boy in the black suit /                                   F REY

When I was the greatest /                                     F REY

Patron saints of nothing /                                    F RIB

A break with charity : a story about the Salem witch trials   F RIN

Jackaby /                                                     F RIT

A list of cages /                                             F ROE

Under the never sky /                                         F ROS

Divergent /                                                   F ROT

Eleanor and Park /                                            F ROW

Fangirl /                                                     F ROW

Bone gap /                                                    F RUB

Denton Little's deathdate /                                   F RUB

If I was your girl /                                          F RUS

Zodiac /                                                      F RUS

Blood song /                                                  F RYA

The cardturner /                                              F SAC

Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe /    F SAE

The inexplicable logic of my life /                           F SAE

The blackthorn key /                                          F SAN

The rithmatist /                                              F SAN

Steelheart /                                                  F SAN

Push /                                                        F SAP

Cheeseburger subversive /                                     F SCA

Secret letters /                                              F SCH

Extraordinary means /                                         F SCH

This savage song /                                            F SCH

Threatened /                                                  F SCH

Fire and flood /                                              F SCO

Between shades of gray /                                      F SEP

The fountains of silence /                                    F SEP

The Berlin boxing club /                                      F SHA

The bone season /                                             F SHA

The madman's daughter /                                       F SHE

Her dark curiosity /                                          F SHE

The cage /                                                    F SHE

A long long sleep /                                           F SHE

Schizo /                                                      F SHE

We need to talk about Kevin /                                 F SHR

Dry /                                                         F SHU

Challenger deep /                                             F SHU

Scythe /                                                      F SHU

Unwind /                                                      F SHU

Alive /                                                       F SIG

More happy than not /                                         F SIL

History is all you left me /                                  F SIL

They both die at the end /                                    F SIL

The story of beautiful girl/                                  F SIM

The glass arrow /                                             F SIM

The fix /                                                     F SIN

The crown's game /                                            F SKY

I'll be there /                                               F SLO

Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour bookstore /                            F SLO

The agony of Bun O'Keefe /                                    F SMI

Grasshopper jungle /                                          F SMI

The last to let go /                                          F SMI

The way I used to be /                                        F SMI

Navigating the stars /                                        F SNY

Gravity journal /                                             F SOB

The last song /                                               F SPA

Hunted /                                                      F SPO

Blue gold /                                                   F STE

The lynching of Louie Sam /                                   F STE

The raven boys /                                              F STI

Dear Martin /                                                 F STO

Every last word /                                             F STO

Girl against the universe /                                   F STO

The memory of light /                                         F STO

Fallout /                                                     F STR

It's not like it's a secret /                                 F SUG

The bitter side of sweet /                                    F SUL

All the rage /                                                F SUM

Cracked up to be /                                            F SUM

Sadie /                                                       F SUM

The walls around us /                                         F SUM

This is not a test /                                          F SUM

A semi-definitive list of worst nightmares /                  F SUT

This mortal coil /                                            F SUV

An ember in the ashes /                                       F TAH

Sinless /                                                     F TAR

Motorcycles & sweetgrass /                                    F TAY

Strange the dreamer /                                         F TAY

Nothing /                                                     F TEL

All our yesterdays /                                          F TER

Because you'll never meet me /                                F THO

On the come up /                                              F THO

Concrete rose /                                               F THO

The hate u give /                                             F THO

Summer of my amazing luck /                                   F TOE

Song of the current /                                         F TOL

The Hobbit, or, There and back again /                        F TOL

Three songs for courage /                                     F TRO

Ask the dark /                                                F TUR

The winnowing /                                               F VAN

No and me /                                                   F VIG

The scar boys /                                               F VLA

The rule of three /                                           F WAL

Power play /                                                  F WAL

Run /                                                         F WAL

Walking home /                                                F WAL

Northern exposures /                                          F WAL

A mad, wicked folly /                                         F WAL

The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavendar /           F WAL

My heart and other black holes /                              F WAN

The takedown /                                                F WAN

The last good day of the year /                               F WAR

Piecing me together /                                         F WAT

Code name verity /                                            F WEI

Rose under fire /                                             F WEI

The Martian /                                                 F WEI

Adios, nirvana /                                              F WES

Where things come back /                                      F WHA

Highly illogical behavior /                                   F WHA

Noggin /                                                      F WHA

And I darken /                                                F WHI

The art of being normal /                                     F WIL

The clockwork dynasty /                                       F WIL

Paper girl /                                                  F WIL

Queens of geek /                                              F WIL

Annabel /                                                     F WIN

How to be Remy Cameron /                                      F WIN

IA : initiate /                                               F WIN

Puppet /                                                      F WIS

Parrotfish /                                                  F WIT

Wildlife /                                                    F WOO

The monstrumologist /                                         F YAN

Queen's own fool : a novel of Mary Queen of Scots /           F YOL

Good enough /                                                 F YOO

The sun is also a star /                                      F YOO

Goodbye, Tsugumi : a novel /                                  F YOS

Everything beautiful is not ruined /                          F YOU

Eliza and her monsters /                                      F ZAP

Made you up /                                                 F ZAP

The Lucy variations /                                         F ZAR

The serpent king /                                            F ZEN

Because it is my blood /                                      F ZEV

All these things I’ve done /                                  F ZEV

Elsewhere /                                                   F ZEV

American street /                                             F ZOB

Pride /                                                       F ZOI

Bridge of clay /                                              F ZUS

I am the messenger /                                          F ZUS

The book thief /                                              F ZUS